
(none) Matched route

Route Matching Logs

Path to match: /robots.txt
# Route name Path Log
1 app_activity_log /activity/log Path does not match
2 app_excel_upload /excel/upload Path does not match
3 app_manage_logs /manage/logs Path does not match
4 manage_shift /manage/shift Path does not match
5 app_register /register Path does not match
6 app_verify_email /verify/email Path does not match
7 app_forgot_password_request /reset-password Path does not match
8 app_check_email /reset-password/check-email Path does not match
9 app_reset_password /reset-password/reset/{token} Path does not match
10 connect_cognito_start /login Path does not match
11 connect_cognito_check /security/cognito/check Path does not match
12 app_logout /logout-aws Path does not match
13 app_login /logins Path does not match
14 app_logouts /logouts Path does not match
15 app_test /test Path does not match
16 _preview_error /_error/{code}.{_format} Path does not match
17 _wdt /_wdt/{token} Path does not match
18 _profiler_home /_profiler/ Path does not match
19 _profiler_search /_profiler/search Path does not match
20 _profiler_search_bar /_profiler/search_bar Path does not match
21 _profiler_phpinfo /_profiler/phpinfo Path does not match
22 _profiler_search_results /_profiler/{token}/search/results Path does not match
23 _profiler_open_file /_profiler/open Path does not match
24 _profiler /_profiler/{token} Path does not match
25 _profiler_router /_profiler/{token}/router Path does not match
26 _profiler_exception /_profiler/{token}/exception Path does not match
27 _profiler_exception_css /_profiler/{token}/exception.css Path does not match
28 app_landing_page / Path does not match
29 row-list-ajax /settings/row/list/ajax Path does not match
30 settings-rows /settings/rows Path does not match
31 settings-row-delete /settings/row/delete Path does not match
32 settings-row-save /settings/row/save Path does not match
33 settings-row-detailsAjaxAction /settings/row/detailsAjaxAction Path does not match
34 column-list-ajax /settings/column/list/ajax Path does not match
35 settings-columns /settings/columns Path does not match
36 settings-column-delete /settings/column/delete Path does not match
37 settings-column-save /settings/column/save Path does not match
38 settings-column-detailsAjaxAction /settings/column/detailsAjaxAction Path does not match
39 board-list-ajax /settings/board/list/ajax Path does not match
40 settings-board /settings/boards Path does not match
41 settings-board-delete /settings/board/delete Path does not match
42 settings-board-save /settings/board/save Path does not match
43 settings-board-detailsAjaxAction /settings/board/detailsAjaxAction Path does not match
44 setting-board-rows-column-ajax /settings/board/rowsColumnAjaxAction Path does not match
45 settings-checksheet /settings/checksheets Path does not match
46 settings-checksheet-delete /settings/checksheet/delete Path does not match
47 settings-checksheet-save /settings/checksheet/save Path does not match
48 settings-checksheet-detailsAjaxAction /settings/checksheet/detailsAjaxAction Path does not match
49 checksheet-list-ajax /settings/checksheet/list/ajax Path does not match
50 settings-checksheetquestion-delete /settings/checksheetquestion/delete Path does not match
51 settings-user /settings/user Path does not match
52 settings-user-save /settings/user/save Path does not match
53 settings-user-add /settings/user/add Path does not match
54 settings-list-user /settings/user/list/ajax Path does not match
55 settings-change-status /settings/user/changeStatus Path does not match
56 settings-user-delete /settings/user/delete Path does not match
57 settings-user-detailsAjaxAction /settings/user/detailsAjaxAction Path does not match
58 settings-userprofile /user/userprofile Path does not match
59 settings-userprofile-save /user/userprofile/save Path does not match
60 tcard_dashboard /tcard/dashboard Path does not match
61 settings-frequency /settings/frequency Path does not match
62 settings-frequency-delete /settings/frequency/delete Path does not match
63 settings-frequency-save /settings/frequency/save Path does not match
64 settings-frequency-detailsAjaxAction /settings/frequency/detailsAjaxAction Path does not match
65 frequency-list-ajax /settings/frequency/list/ajax Path does not match
66 settings_system_settings /settings/system-settings Path does not match
67 settings_terminology-save /settings/terminology/save Path does not match
68 settings_system_settings_save /settings/system_settings/save Path does not match
69 dynamic_js /asset/dynamic_js Path does not match
70 settings-checksheet-duplicateAjaxAction /settings/checksheet/duplicateAjaxAction Path does not match
71 mail_view /mail-view/{id} Path does not match
72 shift_list_ajax /settings/shift/list/ajax Path does not match
73 settings_shift /settings/shift Path does not match
74 settings_shift_delete /settings/shift/delete Path does not match
75 settings_shift_save /settings/shift/save Path does not match
76 settings_shift_detailsAjaxAction /settings/shift/detailsAjaxAction Path does not match
77 settings_kpi_category /settings/category Path does not match
78 category_list_ajax /settings/category/list/ajax Path does not match
79 settings_category_detailsAjaxAction /settings/category/detailsAjaxAction Path does not match
80 settings_category_save /settings/category/save Path does not match
81 settings-questions /settings/questions Path does not match
82 settings_questions_save /settings/questions/save Path does not match
83 questions_list_ajax /settings/questions/list/ajax Path does not match
84 questions_all_list_ajax /settings/all/questions/list/ajax Path does not match
85 settings_questions_delete /settings/questions/delete Path does not match
86 settings_questions_iconUpload /settings/questions/uploadIcon Path does not match
87 settings_questions_removeQuestionIcon /settings/questions/removeQuestionIcon Path does not match
88 settings_question_detailsAjaxAction /settings/question/detailsAjaxAction Path does not match
89 settings_question_deleteOption /settings/question/deleteOption Path does not match
90 settings-workstation /settings/workstation Path does not match
91 settings-workstation-list-ajax /settings/workstation/list/ajax Path does not match
92 settings-workstation-details-ajax /settings/workstation/details/ajax/{wsId} Path does not match
93 settings-workstation-save /settings/workstation/save Path does not match
94 settings-workstation-delete-ajax /settings/workstation/delete/ajax/{wsId} Path does not match
95 settings-operator /settings/operators Path does not match
96 settings-operator-list-ajax /settings/operator/list/ajax Path does not match
97 settings-operator-details-ajax /settings/operator/details/ajax/{operatotId} Path does not match
98 settings-operator-delete-ajax /settings/operator/delete/ajax/{operatotId} Path does not match
99 report_operator_audit_graph /report/graph/operator-audit-graph Path does not match
100 report_checksheet_audit_report /report/graph/checksheet-audit-report Path does not match
101 report_checksheet_audit_report_ajax /report/graph/checksheet-audit-report-ajax Path does not match
102 report-overall-checksheet /report/overall-checksheet Path does not match
103 report-overall-checksheet-list-ajax /report/overall-checksheet/list/ajax Path does not match
104 report-overall-checksheet-list-questions /report/overall-checksheet/list/questions Path does not match
105 migration-checksheet-qnoptions /migrate/checksheet-qnoptions/{action} Path does not match
106 migration-insert-slot /migrate/insert_slot Path does not match
107 settings-manage-operator /settings/manage-operator Path does not match
108 settings-operatorList /settings/operatorList Path does not match
109 settings-operatorSave /settings/saveOperator Path does not match
110 settings-operator-detailsAjaxAction /settings/operator/detailsAjaxAction Path does not match
111 settings-operatorDelete /settings/deleteOperator Path does not match
112 breakdown_analysis /breakdown_analysis Path does not match
113 team_overview /team_overview Path does not match
114 skill_matrix /skill_matrix Path does not match
115 report-compliance-chart-report /report/report-compliance-chart-report Path does not match
116 report-operator-audit-graph /report/report-operator-audit-graph Path does not match
117 report-operator-performance-graph /report/report-operator-performance-graph Path does not match
118 report-operator-compliance-graph /report/report-operator-compliance-graph Path does not match
119 report-card-compliance-graph /report/report-card-compliance-graph Path does not match
120 manage_pc_board /my-pc-board/{pcBoardId} Path does not match
121 myboard_ajax_action /tcards/getmyboard/ajax Path does not match
122 tcard_check_list_action /tcards/check-list/ajax Path does not match
123 tcard_workcenter_operators /tcards/workcenter-operators Path does not match
124 tcard_frequency_slot_saveAction /tcard/slot/save Path does not match
125 tcard_add_question_comments /tcard/slot/save/addcomments Path does not match
126 tcard_add_question_photos /tcard/slot/save/addphotos Path does not match
127 tcard_save_question_photos /tcard/slot/save/savephotos Path does not match
128 tcard_remove_question_photos /tcard/slot/remove/removephotos Path does not match
129 tcard_remove_question_comments /tcard/slot/remove/removecomments Path does not match
130 manage_pc_board_details /pcBoard/details Path does not match
131 settings-manage-team /settings/team Path does not match
132 team_list_ajax /settings/teamList Path does not match
133 team_details_ajax /settings/team/detailsAjaxAction Path does not match
134 team_save_data /settings/team_save Path does not match
135 details_tcard_modal /pcBoard/details-tcard-modal Path does not match
136 rows_columns_by_board_id_url /pcBoard/rows-columns_by_boardId_url Path does not match
137 settings_kpis /settings/kpi Path does not match
138 settings-kpi-list-ajax /settings/kpiList Path does not match
139 kpi_details_ajax /settings/kpi/detailsAjaxAction Path does not match
140 save_kpi /settings/kpi/saveKpi Path does not match
141 settings-kpi-delete-ajax /settings/kpi/delete/ajax/{kpiId} Path does not match
142 frequency_create_ajax /frequency/create Path does not match
143 save_pc_tcard /pcBoard/save-pc-tcard Path does not match
144 getCard_audit_by_workstation /pcBoard/getTcardByWorkstation Path does not match
145 audit_attend_save /pcBoard/auditSave Path does not match
146 frequency_edit_ajax /frequency/edit Path does not match
147 frequency_already_exists_ajax /frequency/already-exists Path does not match
148 pc_tcard_edit_ajax /pcBoard/edit-pc-tcard Path does not match
149 update_pc_tcard /pcBoard/update-pc-tcard Path does not match
150 delete_pc_tcard /pcBoard/delete-pc-tcard Path does not match
151 audit_tcard_count_logs /audit-count-logs Path does not match
152 audit_tcard_count_logs_cpi /audit-count-logs-cpi Path does not match
153 missed_delayed_ontime_graph_details /missed-delayed-ontime-graph Path does not match
154 pass_fail_graph_details /pass-fail-graph Path does not match
155 action_plan_status_graph_details /action-plan-status-graph Path does not match
156 defect_on_non_conformance_type_graph /defect-on-non-conformance-type-graph Path does not match
157 audit_category_list_in_board /audit-category-list-in-board Path does not match
158 defect-type-list-ajax /settings/defect-type/list/ajax Path does not match
159 settings-defect-type /settings/defect-types Path does not match
160 settings-defect-type-delete /settings/defect-type/delete Path does not match
161 settings-defect-type-save /settings/defect-type/save Path does not match
162 settings-defect-type-detailsAjaxAction /settings/defect-type/detailsAjaxAction Path does not match
163 columns_by_board_id /settings/columns_by_boardId Path does not match
164 workstation_operators_url /workstation-operators Path does not match
165 settings-assets /settings/assets Path does not match
166 settings-assets-list-ajax /settings/assets/list/ajax Path does not match
167 settings-assets-details-ajax /settings/assets/details/ajax/{wsId} Path does not match
168 settings-assets-save /settings/assets/save Path does not match
169 settings-assets-delete-ajax /settings/assets/delete/ajax/ Path does not match
170 workstations_by_column_board_id /settings/workstations_by_column_boardId Path does not match
171 ajax_workstations_by_column_board_id /ajax/workstations_by_column_boardId Path does not match
172 add-defect-tagging /defectTag/overall-checksheet Path does not match
173 defect-tagging-listing /defectTag/defect-tagging-listing Path does not match
174 get-defect-tag-details /defectTag/defect-tag-details Path does not match
175 get-workstation-by-boardId /defectTag/get-workstation-by-boardId Path does not match
176 get-asset-by-ws-area /defectTag/get-asset-by-ws-area Path does not match
177 save-defect-log /defectTag/save-defect-log Path does not match
178 get_all_defect_log_list /defectTag/defect-log-list Path does not match
179 assign-defect-save /defectTag/assign-defect-save Path does not match
180 assign-defect-tagging /defectTag/assign-defect-tagging Path does not match
181 defect-tag-action-plan /defectTag/defect-tag-action-plan Path does not match
182 defect_tag_pdf_download /defectTag/defect-tag-pdf-download/{defectId} Path does not match
183 defect-tag-delete-ajax /defect-tag/delete/ajax/{defectId} Path does not match
184 defect-attend-files /defect-tag-attend/add-files Path does not match
185 defect-add-files /defect-tag/upload-defect-files Path does not match
186 defect_timeline_report /defectTag/defect-timeline-report Path does not match
187 defect-attend-save /defect-tag-attend/save Path does not match
188 defect-accept-save /defect-tag-accept/save Path does not match
189 defect_accept_decline /defectTag/assign-decline-defect Path does not match
190 defect_tags_raised_by_type_report /report/defect-tags-raised-by-type-report Path does not match
191 defect_tag_report_by_type /report/defect-tag-report-by-type Path does not match
192 defect_tag_report_by_location /report/defect-tag-report-by-location Path does not match
193 defect_tag_report_by_open_close /report/defect-tag-report Path does not match
194 defect_tags_raised_by_type /report/defect-tags-raised-by-type Path does not match
195 defect_tags_by_type_count_data /report/defect-tags-by-type-count-data Path does not match
196 defect_tags_by_area_count_data /report/defect-tags-by-area-count-data Path does not match
197 file_download /file-dowload/{fileName}/{originalName}/{dir} Path does not match
198 defect_upload_files_zip /defect_upload_files_zip/{encDefectId}/{mode} Path does not match
199 missed_audits /report/missed-audits Path does not match
200 missed_audits_list /report/missed-audits-list-ajax Path does not match
201 edit_upcoming_audit /report/edit-audit-ajax Path does not match
202 update_upcoming_audit /report/update-audit-ajax Path does not match
203 get_assests_list_by_workstation /report/assests-list-by-workstation-ajax Path does not match
204 supervisor_dashboard /supervisor-dashboard/dashboard Path does not match
205 defect_dashboard_report /supervisor-dashboard/defect-dashboard Path does not match
206 defect_count_details_ajax /supervisor-dashboard/defect-count-details Path does not match
207 defect_top_five_duration_details_ajax /supervisor-dashboard/defect-top-five-duration-details Path does not match
208 defects_under_workstation_count_details_ajax /supervisor-dashboard/defects-under-workstation-count-details Path does not match
209 defects_assets_duration_details_ajax /supervisor-dashboard/defects-assets-duration-details Path does not match
210 defects_machine_type_details_ajax /supervisor-dashboard/defects-machine-type-details Path does not match
211 defects_duration_by_technican_details_ajax /supervisor-dashboard/defects-duration-by-technican-details-ajax Path does not match
212 defects_count_by_date_details_ajax /supervisor-dashboard/defects-count-by-date-details-ajax Path does not match
213 send_missed_audit_mail /send-missed-audit-mail Path does not match
214 login_history /login-history Path does not match
215 get_login_history /get-login-history Path does not match
216 mail_logs /mail-logs Path does not match
217 get_all_mail_logs /get-all-mail-logs Path does not match
218 audit_calendar /report/audit-calendar Path does not match
219 get_all_audit_details /report/get-all-audit-details Path does not match
220 delete_audit /report/audit-delete Path does not match
221 save_new_audit /report/new-audit-save Path does not match
222 get_tcard_list /get-tcard-list Path does not match
223 create_new_duplicate_audit /report/create-new-duplicate-audit Path does not match
224 cil_ctq_report /report/cil-ctq-report Path does not match
225 audit_attend_report_operator /report/audit-attend-operator-report Path does not match
226 audit_attend_report_workstation /report/audit-attend-workstation-report Path does not match
227 manageOldData_checklistSubmitTable /autoCreate/manageData Path does not match
228 audit_attend_month_report /report/audit-attend-month-report Path does not match
229 missed_audit_list /report/missed-audit-list-ajax Path does not match
230 get_tcard_common_edit /pcBoard/tcard-common-details Path does not match
231 operator-scheduling /settings/operator-scheduling Path does not match
232 excel-upload /excel-upload Path does not match
233 settings-schedule-details-ajax /settings/schedule/details/ajax/{sId} Path does not match
234 settings-schedule-saveData /settings/schedule/save Path does not match
235 settings-schedule-list-all /settings/schedule/list-all Path does not match
236 settings-schedule-unassign /settings/schedule/unassign Path does not match
237 fileuploadhandler /fileuploadhandler Path does not match
238 excel-save-action /excel-save-action Path does not match
239 activity_logs /activity-logs Path does not match
240 get_all_activity_logs /get-all-activity-logs Path does not match
241 excel-delete-action /excel-delete-action Path does not match
242 missed-audit-link /missed-audit-link Path does not match
243 manage_single_asset_pc_board_details /single-asset-pcBoard/details Path does not match
244 details_tcard_single_asset_modal /singleAssetPcBoard/details-tcard-modal Path does not match
245 rows_columns_by_board_id_single_asset_url /singleAssetPcBoard/rows-columns_by_boardId_url Path does not match
246 save_single_asset_pc_tcard /singleAssetPcBoard/save-pc-tcard Path does not match
247 get_single_asset_tcard_data /singleAssetPcBoard/tcard-details Path does not match
248 delete_single_asset_pc_tcard /singleAssetPcBoard/delete-pc-tcard Path does not match
249 upload_checksheet_file /checksheet-save/uploadFile Path does not match
250 remove_checksheet_uploaded_file /settings/checksheet/file/delete Path does not match
251 upload_question_file /question/uploadFile Path does not match
252 get_card_audit_data_by_statusId /singleAssetPcBoard/getTcardAuditByWorkstation Path does not match
253 attend_audit_save /singleAssetPcBoard/auditSave Path does not match
254 tesing_mail /mail-testing Path does not match

Note: These matching logs are based on the current router configuration, which might differ from the configuration used when profiling this request.